K1 News

April 19th—April 23rd


Digraph ck (tack, deck, brick, sock,  luck)                                **Cause and effect; Sequence

Words of the Week:  yellow, blue, green                                               **Questions

(Continue practicing all words in the bag)                              **Position words

Story:  Mayday!  Mayday!


**Counting Money; Labeling Sets to 30

** Measuring distances in Non-Standard Units

** Identifying Day, Night, Morning, Afternoon, and Evening

**Drawing Pictures and acting out “Some, Some More” and “Some, Some Went Away” Stories

**Identifying and Making Symmetrical Designs


April 19th-Monday:  Reading Center

April 20th-Tuesday: Art; Homework- Reading Activity Sheet; Read a book, and Practice your word bag

Apr. 21st-Wednesday: Computers

Apr. 22nd-Thursday:  Gym; Homework: Math Practice Sheet 25’s

Apr. 23rd-Friday:  Music

Classroom Needs for Earth Day :

Old Magazines

Washed Out Plastic Gallon Jugs (from milk, juice, or water)  Thank You!!