Week 9: Letter Review- Mail the letter Xx with Mailbox Activity

Week 9- Beach/Ocean Week


Reading: Read a book about the beach.  Who are the characters in the book? What was your favorite ocean sound?

Letters & Sounds: Pretend you are at the beach and lay on a beach towel.  Clap and count the number of syllables in the following beach words: seahorse, crab, turtle, starfish, shark, octopus, dolphin, and lobster.

Math: Count your seashells from the packet.  Examine them and tell how they are different.  Sort them by size.

Fine Motor: Practice cutting the Alphabet Ocean Cards from packet.

Gross Motor: Letter Smash Beach Ball Game- Attach some of the Alphabet Ocean Cards to any wall or door.  Toss the beach ball to the letters as you call them out.  You can also call out letter sounds.

Art or Sensory: Make a beach sensory tub.  Place sand or Kinetic sand in a plastic tub.  Wet the sand and make sandcastles.  Add seashells.

Music: Enjoy Animals In The Ocean!

Special: French- See Mrs. Dailey’s class page for your assignment.

Apps and Websites to try: (hyperlinked)

National Geographic Kids– Research and learn about animals and their habitats.

PBS Kids– Songs, activities, and videos that teach.

Starfall– Learn about letters and sounds.