Week 9: Letter Review- Mail the letter Yy with Mailbox Activity

Week 9- Beach/Ocean Week

Reading: Read a book about ocean animals. What is the setting? What is your favorite ocean animal?

Letters and Sounds: Complete the Clap and Color Ocean Animal sheet from your packet. Clap and color the number of syllables. 1-blue, 2-yellow, 3-green

Fine Motor and Math: Bubble Measuring Activity from your packet- Cut out and use the bubbles measuring tool. Count how many bubbles long each fish is. Then measure other objects in your home. Have Fun!

Art or Sensory: Draw beach waves on a piece of paper. Trace the lines with various shades of blue marker and crayon.

Science: Make an Ocean Sensory Bottle – baby oil, blue food coloring, water

*Select a clean, empty bottle and fill it halfway with water and add blue food coloring

*Fill to the top with baby oil

*Glue and tape the lid closed

Gross Motor: Foot Beach Ball- Have your child take off his/her shoes and lay in the floor with their feet in the air. Place the beach ball on/between their feet and see how long they can hold it there.

Special: Reading Center- Check with Mrs. Price on her class page for your assignment today!

Apps and Websites to try: (hyperlinked)

National Geographic Kids– Research and learn about animals and their habitats.

PBS Kids– Songs, activities, and videos that teach.

Starfall– Learn about letters and sounds.