Theme/Letter-Knights & Princesses, Dragons  &  Castles, Fairy Tales/Qq and Rr

We will hear lots of great stories and do lots of fun crafts with this theme. Our classroom will have a castle built around our dramatic play area!  We will grow beanstalks, paint dragon eggs and dragon puppets, create princes and princesses shape art and much more.
Our centers are enriched with theme related books and toys. The children have been playing wonderfully together and forming great friendships.

Math-Counting as high as we can, Recognizing shapes and colors, Solving puzzles, Patterning, Recognizing numbers and 1-1 correspondence, & Sorting


Religion-Recognizing that our feelings are a gift from God and that we can work with and through our feelings. We can direct the children towards love and happiness.

Self-Help- zipping coats, putting away our belongings, mask etiquette, lunch independence, and cleaning up after selves