

Spring Bugs-

Daily Book-The Grouchy Ladybug
1.  (Use items in your E-Day Bag). Draw a picture of your favorite part of today’s book in your Composition Book and dictate a sentence about it to your parent (who can write it next to your picture).  Allow children to mimic your writing, if interested.
2.   Brainstorm what you know about ladybugs.  They are red…
3.   After creating the ladybug craft below, finish this sentence-My ladybug…  parent labels craft with your response.
1.  Count as high as you can and identify the foam numerals from 1-10 in your E-Day Bag.
2.  Bug Play Dough Tray
Gather the following:  rubber fishing worms, green gems, circle cookie cutters, oval cookie cutters, pebbles, plastic bugs, plastic plants, a mini rolling pin and play dough.  Exercise and strengthen your fine motor muscles while playing.  Create little bugs and buggy habitats for your bugs.  Keep this tray assembled for use during the entire week.
3.  Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Ladybugs
Dip the tips of strawberries in melted chocolate chips. Tap dots of melted chocolate around the upper part of the berry using the end of a straw.  Let dry and count the # of spots on the ladybug strawberries.
1.  Ladybug Life Cycle Song-sing together while pointing to life cycle pictures.
(to the tune of Wheels on the Bus)
The ladybug starts out as an egg
As an egg
As an egg
The ladybug starts out as an egg clinging to a leaf.
The egg hatches into a larva
The egg hatches into a larva
That sheds skin many times.
The larva becomes a pupa
The larva becomes a pupa
That attaches to a leaf.
Inside the pupa a ladybug is formed
Ladybug is formed
Ladybug is formed
Inside the pupa a ladybug is formed
Until it’s ready to crawl out.
2.  Paper Plate Ladybug Craft
Cut a paper plate in half and child paints/colors left side red and right side black.  Add a google or paper eye, 6 black construction paper legs, 2 black antennae, and a few small black paper circles (to the red side of the bug.). Mount on larger paper with your label from above-My ladybug…
Count the black paper circles on your ladybug.
Specials Classes:
On Monday is Music-Please see Mrs. Haas’ Class Page
On Thursday is Gym-Please see Mrs. Mullen’s Class Page
On Friday is Reading Center-Please see Mrs. Price’s Page
Free Access to a digital program called “ABC Mouse” can be activated on your online devices for the duration of our school closure.  Use the following code, but do not share with others outside of our school, or on social media, it is specific to our school.
Feel free to send pictures of/messages about your fun activities to:
our class Remind group
Missing you!  God Bless,
Mrs. Borman