Monday, May 18, Wear Yellow today to remember our bright & cheery preschool classroom full of beautiful children.


Spirit Week
Letters Y & Z-


Daily Book-Little Blue and Little Yellow
1.  (Use items in your E-Day Bag). Draw a picture of your favorite part of today’s book in your Composition Book and dictate a sentence about it to your parent (who can write it next to your picture).  Allow children to mimic your writing, if interested.
2.  Colorful Yellow Collage
Talk about the word yellow and the sound you hear at the beginning of it.  Cut a large Y from yellow construction paper and glue yellow things on it.  You could use magazine pictures, or  yellow things like buttons, feathers, Pom poms, dandelions, etc…or things that begin with the sound of the letter Y like pieces of yarn.
1.  Count as high as you can and identify the foam numerals from 1-10 in your E-Day Bag.
2.  Measure Your Height # 2
Use a piece of yarn to measure your height. Write today’s date and your height on a piece of masking tape and fold it around the yarn so the yarn is tucked inside of it.  Save this yarn.  You may tape it to the back of the 3D flower from earlier in the year which you will get in your keepsake bag.
We did this in August and displayed the flowers in the hallway with the yarn as the flower stems.  We compared the children’s heights.  Once you receive your 3D flower, you can see how much your child has physically grown this school year, from August to May.  Just as beautiful flowers grow.  Your 3 or 4 year old has also grown so much spiritually, socially & emotionally with our ECE 1 Class at Sacred ❤️!
1.  Handprint Sunshine
Dip your child’s hand in yellow paint and stamp it around repeatedly in a large circle with fingers facing out and palms in to the center to shape a sun.
Caption-You Are My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine
2.  DIY Kool-Aid Puffy Paint  (blue + yellow = green experiment)
Bluepaint-1/4 cup flour, one packet blue Kool-Aid, 4 tablespoons warm water
Yellow paint- same as above, but with lemonade Koop-Aid
Put a little spot of each paint on white paper.
Ask what color they think they’ll become when they are mixed together?
Use a paint brush to find out the new color and have fun painting with these yummy smelling paints!
Specials Classes:
On Monday is Music-Please see Mrs. Haas’ Class Page
On Thursday is Gym-Please see Mrs. Mullen’s Class Page
On Friday is Reading Center-Please see Mrs. Price’s Page
Feel free to send pictures of/messages about your fun activities to:
our class Remind group
Missing you!  God Bless,
Mrs. Borman