Monday, May 18

Hope you had a great weekend!

 Reading:  20 minutes DEAR (drop everything and read) 


**Writing:  English book- see google classroom video- Antonyms pages 155 and 156


**English:   English Book- Adjectives- see video on Google Classroom- pages 105 and 106


Religion: Think back to the beginning of the year when we talked about Creation- Go outside and explore, take a walk, etc.  collect items from God’s creation- Make a picture using things from God’s creation (real grass, leaves, twigs, flowers, etc).  (This should be finished by Tuesday)


**Math- watch the lesson on google classroom. Lesson 131 


Science- joints- video on Google Classroom


Read Aloud- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory chapter 28


Specials Art: check out Mrs. Dailey’s page


The lessons that have ** before them, please have a grown up either scan them or take a picture of them and email them to me at by 9:00 the following morning!  If I do not have your work by 9:00 the day will count as an absence.