Note from the Teacher

Hello everyone!  It was a short week, but a wonderful week.  We finished up our “Body and Health” theme.  We made a classroom “Measure Me” book. We talked a lot about being healthy and the importance of self care.  They especially loved playing in our grocery store.

We had several friends out this week sick and they were dearly missed.   I can’t wait to see everyone on Monday!  I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Learning Focus

This week our theme is “Thanksgiving.”  We will be learning about Thanksgiving traditions and what it means to be thankful.

Below are the learning goals for the week:

Letter: Ll   Number: 12

Rhyming Words


Religion Topic:  Thanksgiving


  • Monday – return Friday folders and blankets
  • Tuesday – Bring library book
  • Wednesday – Show-n-tell
  • Thursday – Ll letter bags are due

Contact Information

You can contact me through my email at  or through the REMIND app.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.