Thanks for all the birthday theme donations. Father Don dropped by the church prayer garden during our party and helped us sing Happy Birthday to the class twin pets – Petry and Horace. We learned that Fr. Don is also a twin!!  It was such a fun time. Thanks to Mrs. Carper for our treat bags, etc…. Mrs. Carper will be our Room Mom this year!  We look forward to lots more fun.

Theme/Letter-Corn & Fall/Cc

This week we will learn all about corn, shuck corn outside (fine motor), paint with the ears, bake corn bread in the crock pot, learn about farms, play with feed corn and animals in our sensory bins, do an Indian corn experiment, hear corn stories and lots more!

Letter C Bags will come home Monday and be due back Thursday.  They are so excited to share their bags!!

Math-Patterns with paper chains, counting, recognizing numerals, calendar math, 1-1 correspondence

Religion-Friends help one another.

‘Star of the Week’ will begin the first full week of October.  We will do these in ABC order.  I will send home instructions in the Friday folder next week so you can anticipate what it entails.  It’s very simple, though.

Big Brown Craft Bags filled with fun stuff we have made came home Friday. You will get these every so often. We have all not completely memorized our birthdays and addresses, so continue to practice with your child. Sometimes they’d try so hard remembering, but they’d say their bday was the person who went before them when I’d be asking them all. Lol.

Have a great weekend!