
Spring Pond Life-



Daily Book-

1.  (Use items in your E-Day Bag). Draw a picture of your favorite part of today’s book in your Composition Book and dictate a sentence about it to your parent (who can write it next to your picture).  Allow children to mimic your writing, if interested.
2.  Frog Life Cycle Craft
Fold a paper plate into 4 sections.  Label each section with  a number and word:  1-eggs, 2-tadpole, 3-froglet, 4-frog.
Color or paint the outside rim green, if desired.  Let dry.
Talk about the features of the frog for each section of the plate.
Shape play doh eggs, etc…and lay in each section of the plate.
1.  Count as high as you can and identify the foam numerals from 1-10 in your E-Day Bag.
2.  Five Green and Speckled Frogs
After your handprint frog from below dries, use it to lay your play doh speckles onto.
Roll dice and make the number of speckles for the frog’s tummy shown on the dice with green play dough.  Repeat rolling dice.
Practice repeating the rhyme and predict what number comes next.
1.  Edible Frog
Use 2 apple slices, 2 grapes, 2 raisins, a red gummy worm, and peanut butter to create this yummy snack.
2.  Handprint Frog
Let your child paint the palm of their hand and fingers green.  Help them press their hand on white paper to get a full handprint.  Let dry.  Let your child free paint elsewhere while you cut the details-eyes, mouth, tongue.  Let your child curl the tongue around a pencil and use a glue stick to add the features to the handprint.
Use your handprint frog for the math activity #2 from above.
Specials Classes:
On Monday is Music-Please see Mrs. Haas’ Class Page
On Thursday is Gym-Please see Mrs. Mullen’s Class Page
On Friday is Reading Center-Please see Mrs. Price’s Page
Free Access to a digital program called “ABC Mouse” can be activated on your online devices for the duration of our school closure.  Use the following code, but do not share with others outside of our school, or on social media, it is specific to our school.
Feel free to send pictures of/messages about your fun activities to:
our class Remind group
Missing you!  God Bless,
Mrs. Borman