Message From

The Teacher

Hello Parents! We will continue taking about our community helpers and talking about Valentine’s Day

Our Valentines Party will be on February 14th at 1:30 please come and celebrate with us.


  • Show-n-Tell Mondays
  • Must fit in backpacks
  • Don’t forget to return your Library books on Tuesdays
  • ABC Bags on Thursdays

Valentines Party 1:30 pm

No School on February 20th

President’s Day

February 21st  is Mardi Gras

February 22nd  Ash Wednesday

Learning Focus

We will continue talking about our Community Helpers. We will be learning about our communities and their roles.

Letter- Rr

Numbers – 1-20 /50-100

Rhymes and syllables

Quote of the Week

“ The only person you

are destined to

become is the person

you decide to be.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Contact the Teacher

You can contact me through my email at or through the REMIND app.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.