Mrs. Crystal Ashcraft

Mrs. Crystal Ashcraft

Afterschool Care Director

Our Philosophy

The Sacred Heart Grade School After School Program strives to provide a safe, clean, predictable learning environment in a Christian environment where children can explore, build relationships, and develop a positive self-concept.  We are charged with the important task of planning and implementing programs that are developmentally appropriate and allow for experiences of discovery and exploration in the following areas of development:  social/emotional, the arts, physical health and development, language and literacy, math and science.

We value…

  • the sacredness of the person, recognizing that all humanity is made in the image and likeness of God,
  • integrity, seeking to act in accordance with the Gospel values,
  • community, establishing stable relationships to benefit children and their families,
  • and open communication, as we build trust and understanding.


$70 per week, registration for the year is required

Summer Camp: $20 application fee, $150 per week