Last month in the Reading Center we enjoyed learning about American Tall Tales such as Pecos Bill, John Henry, Paul Bunyan and Davy Crockett.  We discussed the use of hyperbole, similes and metaphors in these stories. It was a fun month of learning about these classics.  We were all entertained by the hilarious exaggerations in all of these stories.

This month we will celebrate the life of Dr. Seuss by reading many of his stories and participating in fun activities.  We will read books such as McElligot’s Pool, The 500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, Bartholomew and the Oobleck and If I Ran A Zoo.  Younger students will enjoy And To Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street, The Cat in the Hat and several others.  We will learn about Dr. Seuss’s life and will integrate art, math and science into this month’s lessons!

Please continue to encourage your child to read and talk to them about their selections.  Also, encourage your child to check books out from the Reading Center and return them in a timely manner.