Message From

The Teacher

Hello Parents! We have had a fun week talking and reading about the cornucopia and making one for a thanksgiving placemat. We will continue talking about the first Thanksgiving.

Amazon wish list for the classroom:

Quote of the Week

The only way

to have a


Is to

be one,

-Ralph Waldo Emmerson


  • Return ABC bags on Thursdays.
  • Don’t forget to return the Friday folder on Mondays!
  • Return library books on Tuesdays.
  • Check out the class wish list, ß link to the left.
  • Learning FocusWe have been talking about foods we harvest in the fall and the cornucopia and what all goes in it.

    We will continue the Fall and Harvest and begin talking about the first Thanksgiving and what it started in America.

    Please continue practicing writing their names at home! They have improved and continue to improve so much!

    Letter: Kk  Number: 10

    Shape: Hexagon  Color: Gray

    Religion Topic: Thanksgiving

  • Contact the Teacher
  • You can contact me through my email at or through the REMIND app.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.