Good morning boys and girls!

I am loving all the videos and pictures that were sent to me last week of all the musical things you found in your house! I’m so impressed that you are taking the time to keep up your music skills! Bravo!

**I would like to congratulate Sarah Duncan from 5th Grade-5B as she was our winner of the Scavenger Hunt collecting 12 items in her house earning 60 points! Way to go, Sarah!

For this week we are going to jump into movie music! The first week of May I always talk about one of the greats, John Williams as he wrote music for Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, and much more! I don’t know about you, but I love to watch movies with my kids and I have gotten to enjoy quite a few since our time away. We watched the new movie “Onward,” “Frozen 2” (OF COURSE!), “Brave”, even some great TV shows like “Fancy Nancy,” “Daniel Tiger,” and “Sofia the First.”

I know all little kid shows of course, but in each of them they all have great little tunes of MUSIC! 

ASSIGNMENT –>I would like ALL of you to try this…even Preschool can try. Have someone record you doing some little ordinary day thing like taking a walk, riding a bike, playing in the backyard, doing chores, or something that you really like to do! and have them record you 30 secs at the most and add your favorite song that you think would go best with your movie.

Below you will find my favorite song and your Princess singing and loving teacher singing one of her favorites since she was a little girl! This assignment can be due to me anytime this week! I will put up short exercises for the rest of the week, but this will be the MAIN ASSIGNMENT! (All grades!)

If you have any questions, please e-mail me!

I can’t wait to see your projects!

Many blessings,

Mrs. Haas