Taco Tuesday! Your favorite recipe day…hmmm mine would have to be my cheesy potatoes! YUM!! Perfect with hamburgers or even baked ham!

Each day this week is a short activity. You can choose to do one each day or pick which ones you like! I hope you are still listening to good quality music and dancing, having fun, maybe you even have tried to learn a new instrument? Anyway, send me a picture or short video clip of you doing one of the activities this week.

Practice for our Singalong this week! “10,000 Reasons/Bless the Lord” We will have a special video for this! Be sure to tune in Wednesday’s Facebook Announcements!

COMPOSER TUESDAY! Choose a composer that starts with the first letter of your name. Listen to a piece of his/her music and find out one interesting fact about his or her life! You can use the http://classicsforkids.com  to choose a composer! **Remember that a composer is someone who writes music.

Example: I chose: Gioachino Rossini he wrote one of my favorite pieces that I use in Pre-K-2nd grade the William Tell Overture:Finale(sounds like horses in a race!) He is famous for operas and my very first opera I ever saw was one that he wrote, The Barber of Seville! (Figaro, Figaro, Figaro! now if you could only hear me singing that in my best opera voice 🙂 

Have a blessed day everyone!

Mrs. Haas
