Week 7: Letter Review- Mail letters Ii and Jj with Mailbox Activity

Monday- Nursery Rhymes

Reading: Read a book or listen to nursery rhymes. Make up actions and sing the nursery rhymes together.

Fine Motor: Itsy Bitsy Spider- Unwrap the yarn off the spider and wrap it back while singing the rhyme.

Letters & Sounds: Hey Diddle Diddle- Say words that rhyme with moon.

Math: Hickory Dickory Dock- Make a clock on the paper plate. Write the numbers from 1-12 around the edge.

Art or Sensory: Baa Baa Black Sheep- Make a sheep sensory bin. Place cotton balls, sheep/farm animals, and small containers.

STEM: Humpty Dumpty- Build a wall for Humpty Dumpty to sit on. Use the plastic egg to test the wall.

Special: French- Check with Mrs. Dailey on her class page for your assignment today.

Apps and Websites to try: (hyperlinked for your convenience)

National Geographic Kids– Research and learn about animals and their habitats.

PBS Kids– Songs, activities, and videos that teach.

Starfall– Learn about letters and sounds.