Week 8: Letter Review- Mail the letter Ww with Mailbox Activity


Thursday- Camping Adventures

Reading: Flashlight reading! Read your favorite books using a flashlight.

Math: Write numbers on post-it notes and stick to the wall. Turn the lights off and use a flashlight to find and identify the numbers.

Letters & Sounds: 

Art: Paint the sky at night with Q-Tips and paint. If you don’t want to use paint, try drawing on black paper with white crayons or chalk.

Science: Go outside during the day. Draw and write what you see and hear. Then go outside at night. Draw and write what you see and hear. Is it the same or different?

Fine Motor: Turn off the lights and make shadow puppets with a flashlight. Put your hand in front of the flashlight and slowly move your fingers to make fun shadows.

STEM: Build a campfire for your campsite. Use rocks and sticks from your yard. Camp out and look at the stars. Tell stories by the fire.

Special: Music- Check in with Mrs. Haas on her class page for your assignment today!


Apps and Websites to try: (hyperlinked)

National Geographic Kids– Research and learn about animals and their habitats.

PBS Kids– Songs, activities, and videos that teach.

Starfall– Learn about letters and sounds.