Week 8: Letter Review- Mail letters Uu and Vv with Mailbox Activity

Wednesday- Nature Hunt

Reading: Read a book about nature. What are two new things that you discovered?

Art or Sensory: Make a pair of binoculars using a paper towel tube cut in half, or two toilet paper tubes. You will need a pair of scissors, string or yarn, and duct tape or paper tape.

Science: Go on a hike and look for birds using your binoculars. Hunt and catch bugs. Draw and write about what you see in your journal.

Letters & Sounds: Use items from nature (rocks, sticks, grass, pine cones, etc.) to make letters and write your name.

Math: Pick as many interesting leaves as you want, ranging from big to tiny, soft to coarse, and maybe some edible leaves. If your leaves are different colors, name the colors and then sort the leaves. Create patterns with your leaves, laying alternating leaves in a line. Group, sort, classify, and count the leaves.

Fine Motor: Play tic-tac-toe using sticks and rocks.

Music and Movement:

Special: No Special Today


Apps and Websites to try: (hyperlinked)

National Geographic Kids– Research and learn about animals and their habitats.

PBS Kids– Songs, activities, and videos that teach.

Starfall– Learn about letters and sounds.