Week 7: Letter Review- Mail letters Mm and Nn with Mailbox Activity


Wednesday- Flowers

Reading: Read a book or listen to a book about plants. Is it a fiction or non-fiction book? How do you know?

Fine Motor: Collect leaves and petals. Use a hole punch to make holes in each one. Lace a piece of string through the holes.

Letters & Sounds: Make a list of the parts of plant (stem, leaf, flower). What is the first sound in each word?

Math: Collect leaves, petals, and stems/sticks. Sort the leaves various ways. Make shapes with the objects.

Art or Sensory: Paint with flowers. Put the flowers in paint and stamp them onto the paper.

Science: Dissect a plant. Pull a weed. Point out the parts of a plant and what each part does.

Special: No Special Today

Apps and Websites to try: (hyperlinked for your convenience)

National Geographic Kids– Research and learn about animals and their habitats.

PBS Kids– Songs, activities, and videos that teach.

Starfall– Learn about letters and sounds.