Star-of-the-Week Feb.7 is Caroline!
Feb.14 Star will be Mia!

Theme-Friendship and Valentine’s Day

Letters-N & O

We will listen to stories about friendship and kindness.  We will practice being good friends to one another during centers, recess and throughout the day.  We hope to create lots of Valentines  and celebrate our friendships.

Valentine’s Party-Monday, February 14.  Please send 12 valentines and we will do the rest! We will decorate special bags at our party and have snacks and deliver our cards to our friends.  A class list will be sent home.  Thank you!

Religion-We will help the children notice their friends’ feelings and develop empathy.
Math-Writing numerals, Counting to 100, Sorting, Patterning, Boardgames

Thanks for such nice conferences. It was wonderful talking to everyone!