Good morning! Thank you all for attending our Zoom meeting! I loved seeing all the kiddos and I know they loved being able to visit with their friends! We will do it again soon!

Song 1:

Song 2:

Educational video:


Literacy: The Very Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle

Fine Motor: Make a firefly out of play-doh.

Literacy part 2: Create a story about the firefly you made out of play-doh.  Adventures? Friends?

Math: Using pom pom balls, make a caterpillar pattern. You may use this link to print out if you wish.

Pattern caterpillar FREEBIE! Bug themed activities and centers for preschool, and kindergarten (freebies too)! Perfect for spring, summer, or fall! #bugtheme #insecttheme #preschool #prek #kindergarten

Art: Cut a symmetrical butterfly out of construction paper. Paint one side, and fold the paper in half.

Butterfly Symmetry Art for Toddlers. This is a great art project for toddlers and pre-school students. This is a great simple educational art project for teaching symmetry. It is a fun and simple butterfly art project that just requires paint, paper, and brushes.  #art #artproject #toddlerart #butterflyart #schoolart #learning #preschoolart #artforkids #kidart #artsandcrafts #artteacher #symmetry #symmetryart