

Literacy: Aaaaarrrgghh, Spider!

Fine motor: Draw lines on a thin piece of paper. Have child practice cutting on the line.

Math: Find these objects around your house and count/ record how many you have: Couch, chair, dresser, bed, tv, table, bookshelf, and rug.

Gross motor: Using toilet paper (only if you have extra… I understand!) Make an obstacle course around your living room.  Have your chid navigate through through the web.

Learning is more fun when it involves movement! Practice sneaking balancing crawling and more with this giant spider web obstacle course gross motor activity. Great for tot school preschool or even kindergarten! #totschool #grossmotor #preschool #kindergarten #preschoolactivities #grossmotoractivities #kindergartenactivities #arthropods #arthropods #activity

Art: Draw a spider web with black or white crayon. Watercolor paint/ color the inside. Talk about what kind of insects might get trapped in the spider web. Is the web sticky?  Why do insects get trapped? How does this help the spider?


Fall is my ultimate fave! Here are a few projects I'm doing right now with some if my classes.   Third grade are doing a modified batik styl...