Note from the Teacher

Hello everyone! This week has been full of apple fun.  We have learned the parts of an apple, we have weighed apples, investigated and painted with apples.  The students have enjoyed playing in our apple orchard & market.  We will be doing apple taste testing and making applesauce next week.  Thank you, Annie Cardell, for sending in the letter “C” snack.  We also said goodbye to our sweet friend Olivia H.  Best wishes to her and her family.  We will miss them.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Learning Focus

We will be continuing with our apple and fall unit this week.  We will be making our applesauce Thursday.

Letter – Dd

Shape – Triangle

Color – Purple

Religion – Learning & Discovering

Reminders & Notes

•Star of the Week – Hartley
•Return sheet, blanket and Friday folder on Monday
•Return library books– Wednesday
•Oct. 20th – Capital Market field trip to get pumpkins!

Contact Informatio

I can be contacted through the Remind app or through my email at  Feel free to reach out to me anytime you have a question or concern.  I am happy to help!