Note from the Teacher

Hello everyone!  We are moving right along.  The students are learning so much.  This week we talked about families and how each one is different and special.  We learned where we are in the family; only child, youngest, middle, or oldest child.  We made origami houses and talked about who lives in our house.  We have been building those fine motor skills a lot by using scissors and writing in our journals. We continue to practice writing our names as well.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Learning Focus

We will continue another week on “Families” and then we will move into “Birthdays.”   I will also begin student assessments this week.  This will help me to identify what areas your child needs to work on this school year to ensure they are ready for Kindergarten.

Below are the learning goals for the week:

Letter: Cc    Number: 3

Shape: Triangle  Color: Green

Religion Topic: Belonging to my Family


  • Tuesday is Library day, please send your child’s book back that day.
  • Show-n-tell is Wednesday.
  • Class Wish List link below;

Contact Information

You can contact me through my email at  or through the REMIND app.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.