
Aa we have fun with this holiday, we will be dancing, singing, counting, listening to stories/rhymes, painting, crafting, and playing in our centers/outside.

We have an ABC Scrapbook at school with a fun page we will add for each letter of the alphabet. This week we tasted apples, painted with apples, and told which color apple we liked best for the A page in our book. It will be a wonderful keepsake which your child can use to review their letters and to begin to read the sentences we put in it.

Math-patterns, counting, sorting, number recognition, puzzles

Religion-God gives us people we can love and trust.

Self-Help-zipping, wearing backpacks and masks, wiping, cleaning up toys, sitting safely in our chairs, self-soothing as we rest, manners and respect for others

Halloween Party will be Thursday, October 30, in our classroom.   Details to come from Mrs. Reehling, our room mom.

Have a great fall week!