Early Childhood Education 2

May 7, 2020

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r2NlbeJPWE

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vdLIV_Oukc

Literacy: Aaaaarrrgghh, Spider! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5df388jmToo

Fine motor: Draw lines on a thin piece of paper. Have child practice cutting on the line.

Math: Find these objects around your house and count/ record how many you have: Couch, chair, dresser, bed, tv, table, bookshelf, and rug.

Gross motor: Using toilet paper (only if you have extra… I understand!) Make an obstacle course around your living room.  Have your chid navigate through through the web.

Learning is more fun when it involves movement! Practice sneaking balancing crawling and more with this giant spider web obstacle course gross motor activity. Great for tot school preschool or even kindergarten! #totschool #grossmotor #preschool #kindergarten #preschoolactivities #grossmotoractivities #kindergartenactivities #arthropods #arthropods #activity

Art: Draw a spider web with black or white crayon. Watercolor paint/ color the inside. Talk about what kind of insects might get trapped in the spider web. Is the web sticky?  Why do insects get trapped? How does this help the spider?


Fall is my ultimate fave! Here are a few projects I'm doing right now with some if my classes.   Third grade are doing a modified batik styl...

May 7, 20202020-05-06T21:26:56-04:00

May 6, 2020

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV7XH2OgOTk

Song:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZP_rr1FhoQ

Educational Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiqDniB8T6A

Movement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xyXB8_BetQ

Yoga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWowDC3x0hE

Literacy: Please Please the Bees https://www.storylineonline.net/books/please-please-bees/

Science: On a large piece of paper, write the letter B for Bumblebee. Take some honey, and trace the letter B. Place the paper outside anchored down with some rocks. Predict what critters may check out your experiment. Check on it a few hours later. What did you find? Did any insects or bugs pay a visit? Why do you think they did or did not come?

Math: Shape tap. Someone calls out a shape and you walk around the room and tap on everything that are that shape.

Art:  Make a bumblebee out of a paper plate or construction paper!   Easy paper plate bee craft for preschoolers and older kids. This easy spring craft is perfect for an insect study unit in the classroom. Paint a paper plate and make the black strips with a pom pom. | at Non-Toy Gifts


May 6, 20202020-05-05T17:44:10-04:00

May 5, 2020

Song : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xqJO8uUgco

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pjw2A3QU8Qg

Literacy: The Very Lazy Ladybird  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Adyr1MpwXSg

 Art: Make a hand print lady bug. As you are creating your ladybug, try to recall all the animals in the story.Ladybug Handprint Art For Preschool Kids · The Inspiration Edit

Math: Shape hunt. Find the following shapes in your house or yard: Square, circle, oval, star, rectangle, triangle, and hexagon.

Writing: Practice writing your phone number. Read your phone number out loud by identifying all the numbers.

Science: Research ladybugs by looking up pictures of the ladybug life cycle.



May 5, 20202020-05-04T20:48:31-04:00

May 4, 2020

Good morning! Thank you all for attending our Zoom meeting! I loved seeing all the kiddos and I know they loved being able to visit with their friends! We will do it again soon!

Song 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F10LRMyMw5E

Song 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oybEMWW23uU

Educational video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tksBMUzZUAs

Movement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUbYq93cYdE

Literacy: The Very Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle


Fine Motor: Make a firefly out of play-doh.

Literacy part 2: Create a story about the firefly you made out of play-doh.  Adventures? Friends?

Math: Using pom pom balls, make a caterpillar pattern. You may use this link to print out if you wish.


Pattern caterpillar FREEBIE! Bug themed activities and centers for preschool, and kindergarten (freebies too)! Perfect for spring, summer, or fall! #bugtheme #insecttheme #preschool #prek #kindergarten

Art: Cut a symmetrical butterfly out of construction paper. Paint one side, and fold the paper in half.

Butterfly Symmetry Art for Toddlers. This is a great art project for toddlers and pre-school students. This is a great simple educational art project for teaching symmetry. It is a fun and simple butterfly art project that just requires paint, paper, and brushes.  #art #artproject #toddlerart #butterflyart #schoolart #learning #preschoolart #artforkids #kidart #artsandcrafts #artteacher #symmetry #symmetryart



May 4, 20202020-05-03T21:17:04-04:00

May 1, 2020

Zoom meeting:

Topic: ECE2
Time: May 1, 2020 02:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 837 2905 4094
Password: ECE2


Friday Special! Check out Mrs. Prices page for our class activity!


ABC song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36IBDpTRVNE

Counting song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR-cfDsHCGA

Season song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wrjqz2GTzzI

Days of the week song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tx0rvuXIRg

May 1, 20202020-04-30T20:53:24-04:00

April 30, 2020

Zoom meeting:

Topic: ECE2
Time: May 1, 2020 02:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 837 2905 4094
Password: ECE2

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ11C-U7S8I

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ539RtqPb8

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teif6M9FjHE

 Literacy: Vegetables in Underwear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFZWT_zMWmY

Math: Make shapes with popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, or stick pretzels.

Science: Exploring seeds: Cut a few different vegetables and fruits in half. Explore the seeds inside. Are they the same shape? The same color? How are they different?

Fine Motor: Make pretend play-doh cookies using cookie cutters, scissors, and a rolling pin.

Writing: Draw Mrs. Schau a picture of what you ate for breakfast.

Im so excited to see you all Friday at 2:00 for our first Zoom meeting!
Miss and love you all,

Mrs. Schau


April 30, 20202020-04-29T16:54:54-04:00

April 29, 2020

Good morning! Please send in your recipes and mommy-and-me picture by Friday. I will have more information regarding our Friday Zoom meeting tomorrow.

Yoga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhWDiQRrC1Y

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykTR0uFGwE0

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj4nyH2aWVc

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX9Pm9qj_QY

Literacy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gclhcLrffs

Writing: Practice writing the letter X. Use different things found around your house to make the letter X. How many ways can you make the letter X?

Math: Measure food containers using blocks.

Food and nutrition centers for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten Art: Using magazines, Grocery store ads, or computer prints, make a collage of some food your family typically eats in the week.
STEM Positional Words: Build a tower using cans, boxes, utensils, and other materials from your kitchen. Place a car under the tower, next to the tower, above the tower, inside the tower, outside the tower, and build the tower around the car.
Grocery store STEM! Plus tons more Food and nutrition centers for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten. Reading, writing, math, fine motor, STEM, and art.
April 29, 20202020-04-28T19:58:56-04:00

April 28, 2020

Hello all! I loved reading your recipes and how to make your favorite food in your own words! If you have not already, please send me your recipe (childs dictation) and your mommy and me picture by the end of the week.

Like previously stated, I would like to try to have a zoom meeting on Friday. Please let me know via Remind what time would work best for you, 11:00am, 2:00 pm, or 4:30. Let me know what works best for you ASAP and I will post the official time Thursday morning.

Song:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOsJouK7YN4

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efMHLkyb7ho

Literacy: The Biggest Potato  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k74g0q48lgM

Math: 1. Pick 4 of your favorite fruits or vegetables. Take a survey from friends and family. Graph their votes using some sort of chart.

Must Make Kindergarten Anchor Charts3 Tally Chart Worksheet for Kids Healthy habits graph for Preschool The kids told me all of √ Tally Chart Worksheet for Kids . 3 Tally Chart Worksheet for Kids . Data and Graphing Activity Favorite Pets in  #WorksheetsForKidsLet each child draw themselves or take photographs for daily graph!
2. Sort vegetables and fruits in two baskets.
49 Trendy Fruit And Vegetables Activities Preschool
Science: Pick your favorite vegetable. Research that vegetable. Does it grow in the ground? Above the ground? Does it have seeds? When is the best time to harvest that vegetable? What are its colors throughout its life cycle? How would you use that vegetable if you had to make your family dinner?
Self Help: Help make a healthy snack to share with your family.
Writing: Practice writing your first name and numbers 1-10.
Love and miss you all!
Mrs. Schau


April 28, 20202020-04-27T21:33:24-04:00

April 27, 2020

Happy Monday! This week we will be doing a lot of different things with fruits and vegetables! If possible, I encourage you to support the theme by letting your child explore and taste different fruits or vegetables that he or she may not be used to. On your next shopping trip, try to find a brand new fruit that they may not have heard seen yet. Research that fruit, where it comes from, how big or small it may be, and taste test it. They could even pick the fruit ahead of time so they know what to expect when your bring it home.

Song 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE5tvaveVak

Song 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdr_6JEGkv0

Song 3:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frN3nvhIHUk

Literacy: Read a book about food or look through a cookbook.

Sensory Play: Explore different vegetables and fruits through play. Fill up a large tub (or bathtub) with water. Add plastic toy vegetables and fruit. Add spoons, pots, etc. Can you correctly identify all the fruits and vegetables in your tub? Which ones are alike and which ones are different?

Vegetable Soup Water Table Sensory Activity | Easy Set up outdoor play idea for toddlers and preschoolers

 Writing: What is your favorite favorite food? How do you think it is made? First draw it, then have mom or dad dictate the recipe underneath your picture. Send Mrs. Schau your recipe by the end of the day along with a picture of you and your mom in the kitchen!

Math: Can you name one fruit or vegetable of each color of the rainbow? Line plastic food in order of a rainbow.

Learning Resources Super Sorting Pie

Art: Pick a vegetable or fruit and paint. You could use something long and skinny as a paint brush, or cut a vegetable in half and use it as a stamp. When dry, cut out into your favorite food!

Painting with Fruits and Vegetables | Open up your fridge for art time today! Food painting is a fun way for kids to see different shapes and textures in everyday life.  #kidsart #foodpainting #painting #kidscraft

Movement:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFQWVN4xip0


April 27, 20202020-04-27T08:23:38-04:00

April 24, 2020

Happy Friday! Fridays will be used as make-up days. If you have any assignments you weren’t able to complete through the week, today gives you an opportunity to complete those activities. I miss you all so much! Next Friday I would like to have a zoom meeting with the class to say Hi and read a book.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Schau
FREE Scavenger Hunt Activities for Preschoolers | Preschool ...
Specials Classes:
On Monday is Music-Please see Mrs. Haas’ Class Page
On Thursday is Gym-Please see Mrs. Mullen’s Class Page
On Friday is Reading Center-Please see Mrs. Price’s Page
April 24, 20202020-04-24T07:53:12-04:00
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